
Items for navigation like a map and a compass. Specialists recommend a topographic map so you know what type of terrain is ahead. Also, if you have the possibility, take a GPS. Items to make light – flashlight with solar and standard batteries, candle sticks, matches (waterproof), headlamp. During the night you’ll need these items to keep wild animals away and to see around you. Items to make a fire – matches, butane tank, lighter, and anything else First aid kit with basic items...
Not sure what to include on your survival gear list?  Well, here are some helpful tips to making it more manageable.  For starters, you want to consider several possible perspectives depending on the type of scenario you are planning for.  You can choose to include gear that is all modern and relatively high-tech in nature.  On the other hand, you might only include simpler and more primitive gear only.  Oftentimes the best approach is to include some of both.  First, you...
The Bare Necessities The four basic needs of nearly all survival situations are shelter, water, fire, and food. The following gear assists with meeting the needs of these four priorities. The order of importance for the following essentials is determined by the the needs of a given situation. Shelter – a light-weight tarp, tent, or extra large rain poncho can provide emergency protection from the wind and rain Insulating Layers – warm layers of wool or synthetic clothing, rain gear, a warm...